List of Institutes

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Local Universities
  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore Management University
  • Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Local Polytechnics
  • Nanyang Polytechnic
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Republic Polytechnic
  • Singapore Polytechnic
  • Temasek Polytechnic
  • Offshore institutes with local campus
  • École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
  • INSEAD (Singapore)
  • SP Jain School of Global Management
  • DigiPen Institute of Technology
  • German Institute of Science and Technology -TUM Asia
  • Sorbonne-Assas International Law School
  • Others
  • LASALLE College of The Arts
  • Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts