Awards & Accolades
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Singapore Quality Award with Special Commendation
Launched in 2006, the Singapore Quality Award with Special Commendation recognises past Singapore Quality Award winners that have sustained their business excellence journey and attained greater heights of excellence.

Singapore Innovation Class
Launched in 2002, the Singapore Innovation Class (I-Class) is the certification for the business excellence niche standard for innovation. The niche standard enables organisations to develop their innovation management capabilities. I-Class is a national recognition for organisations that have management systems and processes in place to achieve excellence through innovation.

People Developer Standard
Launched in 1998, the People Developer (PD) is the certification for the business excellence niche standard for people. The niche standard provides organisations with a total approach to managing people and achieving high performance through its people systems.

Singapore Service Class
Launched in 2003, the Singapore Service Class (S-Class) is the certification for the business excellence niche standard for service. The niche standard enables organisations to develop their service capabilities to enhance service leadership, service agility, customer delight, and customer experience.

Government Web Excellence Awards (Merit)
The Government Web Excellence Awards (WEA) was conceptualised in October 2008 at the iGov Council. It confers recognition to good government websites and the adoption of web standards and best practices. One key objective of WEA is to encourage government agencies to improve their websites and view this as a continuous process, driven by a focus on the customers and aligned to web standards that have been identified across government agencies.

Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA) - Not For Profit Organisation Category - World Class Award
The Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA), organised by the Asia Pacific Quality Organization (APQO), is conferred to organisations from the Asian and Pacific Rim countries who are recognised as exemplary companies of world class quality performance. ICA was among the 15 international organisations who were awarded the highest accolade, the World Class Award, under the Not-For-Profit Organisation category.