Online Change Of Residential Address From 1 October 2020
From 1 October 2020, all Singapore Residents (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) who need to report a change of residential address can do so online.
Current Procedure to Report Change of Address
2. Under the National Registration Act, all identity card (IC) holders need to report a change of address within 28 days of moving into a new residence, whether the residence is located in or outside of Singapore. Currently, for those who have moved to a new address in Singapore, the change of address has to be done in person at a Neighbourhood Police Post (NPP), Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) or the ICA Building. They have to present their IC and documentary evidence of their new address, so as to change the address indicated on their IC. Those moving to or changing an overseas address need to email ICA to report the change.
New “Online Change of Address” e-Service
3. As part of ICA’s ongoing efforts to digitalise our services, ICA will introduce a new e-Service on 1 October 2020 to allow Singapore Residents to change their residential address (whether local or overseas) by following these steps:
- Applicants access the change of address e-Service on ICA’s website ( using their SingPass.
- They will receive a unique PIN sent by mail to their new address.1 Applicants then enter the PIN via the e-Service as a way to verify the new address.
- Upon verification, applicants will receive an instant acknowledgement that their change of address is successful.
- The new address will be updated within one working day in the databases of public agencies participating in the One-Stop Address Reporting (OSCARS) initiative.2
- Applicants will receive a second mail containing a sticker bearing their new address, and must affix the sticker to the back of their IC according to the instructions provided.
4. The new e-Service will be available in the four official languages (i.e. English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil). Singapore Residents residing in the same household can update their address with a single application.
5. Singapore Residents may also appoint proxies who are SingPass holders to submit an application on their behalf. The proxies must provide the applicant’s IC number and its date of issue to access the e-Service. To complete the process, the proxies must similarly obtain and enter the PIN mailed to the applicant’s new address.
6. From 1 December 2020, the Police will cease processing change of address requests at NPPs and NPCs. Singapore Residents who are unable to transact online and have no proxies to assist them, may visit ICA for assistance.
7. ICA would like to remind users of the new e-Service that enforcement action will be taken against anyone who misuses it. Under the National Registration Regulations, anyone who reports a false residential address is liable to a fine of up to S$3,000 or to imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or both. It is also an offence if the user does not subsequently follow through to affix the new address sticker onto the IC.
Towards the Vision of the Services Centre Next-Generation
8. With this new e-Service, Singapore Residents can look forward to a more convenient experience when reporting a change in their address. It represents the next step of ICA’s journey towards realising the vision of its Services Centre Next Generation: “No Fuss; No Visit; No Waiting” for our customers. ICA will continue to transform the way our services are delivered to provide greater convenience for our customers.
[1] Applicants will receive the PIN within three to five days. International delivery time will be dependent on the postal service of the country.
[2] The list of OSCARS participating public agencies is at Annex A.

Annex A
List of participating public agencies as part of the One-Stop Address Reporting (OSCARS) initiative
S/N | Ministry/Agency |
1 | Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority |
2 |
NParks, Animal & Veterinary Service - Licensing & Compliance branch |
3 | Allied Health Professions Council |
4 | Central Provident Fund Board |
5 | Energy Market Authority |
6 | Housing & Development Board |
7 | Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore |
8 |
Land Transport Authority - Vehicle & Transit Licensing Division |
9 |
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore - Ship Registry Section - One Stop Document Centre |
10 | Ministry of Social and Family Development |
11 | Ministry of Defence |
12 |
Singapore Food Agency - Licensing and Permit Division |
13 |
Ministry of Manpower - Work Permits and Employment Department |
14 | National Library Board |
15 | Official Assignee |
16 | Optometrists and Opticians Board |
17 | People's Association |
18 | Pharmacy Board |
19 | Singapore Medical Council |
20 | Singapore Nursing Board |
21 |
Singapore Police Force - Licensing Division - Traffic Police Department |
22 | Singapore Dental Council |
23 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Board |