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Enter the Efficient Era with e-REP
The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) welcomes 2009 with yet another innovative e-service! With effect from 2 January 2009, Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) can expect to renew or transfer their Re-Entry Permit (REP) online, anywhere and at anytime, with the introduction of a new e-service – Electronic Re-Entry Permit or e-REP in short. The e-REP allows for quick, efficient and hassle-free online transactions which aims to reduce the need for SPRs to physically come down to the ICA Building for the transfer or renewal of their REPs.
2. The REP provides for a SPR to retain his SPR status while travelling abroad. Currently, it is issued in the form of an endorsement in the SPR’s passport or as a REP card. A SPR who leaves Singapore or remains abroad without a valid REP will lose his SPR status. With the launch of e-REP, ICA will cease to issue REP in the form of endorsements or REP cards for all REP applications approved on/after 2 January 2009.
3. All current REP endorsements and REP cards issued prior to the launch of e-REP remain valid until their expiry date, provided that they have not been cancelled or invalidated by ICA.
‘e’-xisting and new procedures
4. Presently, SPRs are required to turn up personally at ICA Building to submit applications for renewal of REP. Besides completing an application form, the applicant is also required to furnish supporting documents such as CPF statement, income tax assessment, etc. The introduction of e-REP not only eliminates the need for the SPR to turn up personally at ICA for REP facilities, it also streamlines the application process as applicants no longer have to submit supporting documents to ICA. The application process for REP facilities can now be completed within minutes in a few simple steps with e-REP. See Annex A for the screenshots of e-REP.
5. All SPRs, holding valid REPs and are issued with SingPass accounts, can apply to renew or transfer their REPs through e-REP. Those who do not have SingPass or whose REPs have expired will have to submit their REP applications personally at the Permanent Resident Services Centre (PRSC), 5th storey, ICA Building.
6. Singapore Citizens or SPRs who have SingPass accounts, can also use e-REP to submit REP renewal applications on behalf of their spouse and children. All renewal of REP will be capped at a maximum of 5 years.
e-REP is more than just an online application module
Multiple functions
7. Besides application for renewal or transfer of REP, the new e-REP system also enables SPRs to perform additional functions such as checking of REP application status and enquiry of REP details for the applicants and his children.
Saves time and brings greater convenience
8. As highlighted earlier, e-REP allows eligible SPRs to login using their SingPass and transact for REP facilities at their convenience and comfort without the need to make a trip to the ICA Building. In addition, this robust online system will also be interfaced with the enhanced Immigration Automated Clearance System (eIACS) to allow SPRs who have registered for Singapore identity card to conduct immigration clearance through the automated lanes with their machine readable passports. Hence, SPRs will also be able to enjoy a speedy and effective clearance through our immigration checkpoints from 2 January 2009 onwards.
Fees and processing time
9. There will be no change to the current fee for application of REP facilities. The fee of $50 for a 5-year REP will be payable via credit/debit card through e-REP once the application is approved. There is no fee for the transfer of REPs. Generally, applications for REP facilities submitted through e-REP will be processed within one day.
Frequently Asked Questions
10. A list of Frequently Asked Questions is attached at Annex B. A more comprehensive set of questions and answers on e-REP is also available on ICA’s website at
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
29 December 2008
Annex A
Screenshots of e-REP
[Pic 1. Welcome Page]
[Pic 2. Main page]
[Pic 3. Successful Application]
[Pic 4. Sample of Printed REP]
Annex B
(A) General Questions
1. What is e-REP?
The Electronic Re-Entry Permit system, or e-REP in short, is an online, web-based system that allows Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs), who are in Singapore or overseas, to apply online for a Re-Entry Permit (REP) or transfer the remaining validity of their REPs from an old passport to a new passport.
e-REP also offers the following services:
a) Allows Singapore Citizen (SC) or SPR to submit applications for REP renewal for his/her spouse and children;
b) Allows SC or SPR to apply for transfer of REPs for his/her children;
c) Online payment of REP fees;
d) Check application status of a REP; and
e) Enquire REP details.
2. Can all SPRs use e-REP?
All SPRs, who have a SingPass account and whose REP is still valid, can make use of e-REP to submit applications for REP facilities. Those who are not eligible to use e-REP can continue to visit the Permanent Resident Services Centre (PRSC) at ICA Building personally for their REP facilities.
3. Who else can use e-REP?
SC or SPRs who are SingPass holders can also use e-REP to submit REP applications on behalf of their spouse and children.
4. How do I submit an application via e-REP?
You can access e-REP through ICA’s website at using your SingPass account. A detailed User Guide is available on ICA internet website to guide you through the process.
5. Can I access e-REP without a SingPass?
No, you must have a SingPass account in order to use the system.
6. How can I apply for a SingPass account?
You can apply for a SingPass account by either:
a. accessing the Singapore Government’s SingPass website at; or
b. proceeding to the nearest SingPass counter location where a SingPass can be issued to you immediately.
Please visit the SingPass internet website for more information.
7. Can I obtain a SingPass if I am overseas?
If you are currently overseas, you can submit an online request for SingPass at The SingPass details will be posted to your official address maintained with the Government of Singapore. For more information on this, please visit
8. If I use e-REP to apply for, or transfer my REP, will I have a REP endorsement in my passport?
No. With the introduction of e-REP, ICA will cease to issue REP endorsements. If you have successfully applied for, or transferred your REP using e-REP, you can proceed to print a copy of the REP for your reference and travel needs.
9. If I do not use the e-REP, will the REP endorsement in my passport still be valid?
Yes. All current REP endorsements issued remain valid until their expiry date, provided they have not been cancelled or invalidated by ICA.
10. Can I apply for a Certificate of Identity using e-REP?
No, you are required to submit your application Form 6(E) for a Certificate of Identity personally to the PRSC, ICA Building.
11. What is the average processing time for an application to renew or transfer REP submitted via e-REP?
Generally, the applications can be processed within one day if the applicants are in Singapore. For SPRs who are currently not in Singapore, the outcomes of the application will be made known to the applicants within 5 working days.
(B) Application for REP Renewal
12. What do I need to apply for my REP renewal using e-REP?
You should have the following:
a) A SingPass account;
b) A valid travel document;
c) A valid REP;
d) Name and address of your current employer (if any); and
e) A valid credit/debit card for online payment.
13. Do I need to submit any supporting documents, such as letter of employment, CPF statements, income tax or marriage certificate to ICA to support my online application (either submitted overseas or locally)?
No, you are not required to do so unless you have received a letter or email from ICA requesting for such documents to be submitted to support your application.
14. Can I use e-REP to apply for a REP while I am overseas?
Yes, if you are currently residing or working overseas, you can submit your REP application using e-REP provided you have a SingPass account.
15. If I use e-REP to apply for a REP while I am overseas, does this mean I can complete the entire REP formalities online?
If you had successfully applied for a REP using e-REP whilst overseas, you may complete the entire REP renewal formalities online, which includes payment for the 5-year REP using your credit/debit card and printing the REP yourself. There may be instances where a SPR is required to return to Singapore to complete formalities for a 5-year REP at the PRSC, ICA Building. In such cases, you will be granted a 3-month REP to facilitate your return to Singapore.
16. If I am residing/working overseas and do not have a SingPass or internet connection, can I still submit my REP application through the Singapore Missions overseas?
If you do not have a SingPass account or internet connection, you can submit your application through our Overseas Missions. Please note that overseas application must be submitted at least 2 months before the expiry of the current REP.
17. How would I know if I have successfully submitted my application? Will there be any form of acknowledgement?
You will receive an acknowledgement once you have successfully submitted an application. You can access the “Check Application Status” function on e-REP to check the status of your submission.
18. Is there any processing fee if I apply for a REP using e-REP?
There is no additional processing fee for using e-REP. However, upon approval of your REP application, you are required to pay a fee of $50 for a 5-year REP, using your credit/debit card.
19. What is the maximum validity of a REP?
All REPs are issued up to a maximum validity of 5 years, whether applied through e-REP or submitted over the counters at the PRSC, ICA Building.
20. If I encounter problem while making payment with my credit/debit card, what should I do?
You can check the validity of your credit/debit card with the respective issuing authority or you can try using another credit/debit card. You can retrieve your approved REP record from the ”Check Application Status” function in e-REP to pay the fee within 14 days from the date of approval of the REP.
(C) Transfer of REP
21. Do I have to pay a fee for doing a REP Transfer on e-REP?
No, you do not have to pay a fee for the transfer of REPs.
22. Can I use e-REP to do a transfer of REP while I am overseas?
Yes. You can access e-REP and perform a REP transfer while you are overseas so long as your REP is still valid and you have a SingPass account. Upon successful transfer, you can print your new REP for your reference and travel needs.
23. If I am residing/working overseas and do not have a SingPass or internet connection, can I still submit my REP transfer application through the Overseas Missions?
If you do not have a SingPass or internet connection, you can submit a hardcopy application for transfer of REP to our Overseas Missions.
( D) Loss of Re-entry Permit
24. What happens if I lose my passport which bears the valid REP endorsement?
If you lose your passport in Singapore or overseas, you must report the loss of your passport to your Embassy/High Commission immediately and apply for a new passport. After you have obtained a new passport, you can use the REP transfer function in e-REP to transfer the remaining validity of your existing REP to the new passport. Upon successful transfer, you will be able to print your REP which will reflect your new passport details.
(E) Checking Application Status, REP Enquiries and Printing of REPs
25. After my application is submitted via e-REP, how do I know if it has been approved?
You can logon to e-REP and access the “Check Application Status” function to check the status of your REP application.
If your application for REP renewal has been approved, you can proceed to make payment online using your credit/debit card and print your REP. If your transfer of REP has been approved, you can proceed to print your REP.
26. Can I enquire my REP details on e-REP?
Yes, you can enquire the details of your REP by accessing the “Enquiry” function in e-REP. You can also enquire the REP details of your children below the age of 21 years old in e-REP.
27. If I do not print my REP at the end of my successful application or transfer, can I access e-REP to print my REP later?
Yes, you can access the “Check Application Status” function on e-REP to print your REP within 2 months of approval. Note that only one print is allowed.
28. After I have printed my REP, can I access e-REP again to make further re-prints?
No. You can only print your REP once. Once you have printed your REP, you will not be able to make further re-prints. Please ensure that you keep your printed REP properly. Otherwise, you will have to make a trip personally to the PRSC, ICA Building, for a replacement copy.
29. I just noticed errors in the information on my REP after printing. How do I amend?
You cannot amend the details on your REP using e-REP. You should make a trip to the PRSC, ICA Building, for amendments of the details. If you are overseas, you can approach the Overseas Mission for assistance.
30. If I have lost my printed REP, what should I do?
You will have to turn up personally at the PRSC, ICA Building, to complete a form for the issuance of a replacement copy of your REP. There is no charge for the replacement of a REP.
(F) Use of eIACS
31. My REP is issued in the form of an endorsement in my passport (ie. I did not use e-REP), can I make use of eIACS when I travel?
With effect from 2 January 2009, all SPRs who have registered for a Singapore identity card and hold machine-readable passports are eligible to use the eIACS for immigration clearance at all checkpoints.
32. I had used e-REP to renew the REP of my children (below 15 years old). Are they eligible to use eIACS?
Only SPRs who have registered for the Singapore identity cards and hold machine readable passports are eligible to use eIACS. Children below 15 years of age have not registered for identity cards and hence are not eligible to use eIACS.
2. The REP provides for a SPR to retain his SPR status while travelling abroad. Currently, it is issued in the form of an endorsement in the SPR’s passport or as a REP card. A SPR who leaves Singapore or remains abroad without a valid REP will lose his SPR status. With the launch of e-REP, ICA will cease to issue REP in the form of endorsements or REP cards for all REP applications approved on/after 2 January 2009.
3. All current REP endorsements and REP cards issued prior to the launch of e-REP remain valid until their expiry date, provided that they have not been cancelled or invalidated by ICA.
‘e’-xisting and new procedures
4. Presently, SPRs are required to turn up personally at ICA Building to submit applications for renewal of REP. Besides completing an application form, the applicant is also required to furnish supporting documents such as CPF statement, income tax assessment, etc. The introduction of e-REP not only eliminates the need for the SPR to turn up personally at ICA for REP facilities, it also streamlines the application process as applicants no longer have to submit supporting documents to ICA. The application process for REP facilities can now be completed within minutes in a few simple steps with e-REP. See Annex A for the screenshots of e-REP.
5. All SPRs, holding valid REPs and are issued with SingPass accounts, can apply to renew or transfer their REPs through e-REP. Those who do not have SingPass or whose REPs have expired will have to submit their REP applications personally at the Permanent Resident Services Centre (PRSC), 5th storey, ICA Building.
6. Singapore Citizens or SPRs who have SingPass accounts, can also use e-REP to submit REP renewal applications on behalf of their spouse and children. All renewal of REP will be capped at a maximum of 5 years.
e-REP is more than just an online application module
Multiple functions
7. Besides application for renewal or transfer of REP, the new e-REP system also enables SPRs to perform additional functions such as checking of REP application status and enquiry of REP details for the applicants and his children.
Saves time and brings greater convenience
8. As highlighted earlier, e-REP allows eligible SPRs to login using their SingPass and transact for REP facilities at their convenience and comfort without the need to make a trip to the ICA Building. In addition, this robust online system will also be interfaced with the enhanced Immigration Automated Clearance System (eIACS) to allow SPRs who have registered for Singapore identity card to conduct immigration clearance through the automated lanes with their machine readable passports. Hence, SPRs will also be able to enjoy a speedy and effective clearance through our immigration checkpoints from 2 January 2009 onwards.
Fees and processing time
9. There will be no change to the current fee for application of REP facilities. The fee of $50 for a 5-year REP will be payable via credit/debit card through e-REP once the application is approved. There is no fee for the transfer of REPs. Generally, applications for REP facilities submitted through e-REP will be processed within one day.
Frequently Asked Questions
10. A list of Frequently Asked Questions is attached at Annex B. A more comprehensive set of questions and answers on e-REP is also available on ICA’s website at
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
29 December 2008
Annex A
Screenshots of e-REP

[Pic 1. Welcome Page]

[Pic 2. Main page]

[Pic 3. Successful Application]

[Pic 4. Sample of Printed REP]
Annex B
(A) General Questions
1. What is e-REP?
The Electronic Re-Entry Permit system, or e-REP in short, is an online, web-based system that allows Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs), who are in Singapore or overseas, to apply online for a Re-Entry Permit (REP) or transfer the remaining validity of their REPs from an old passport to a new passport.
e-REP also offers the following services:
a) Allows Singapore Citizen (SC) or SPR to submit applications for REP renewal for his/her spouse and children;
b) Allows SC or SPR to apply for transfer of REPs for his/her children;
c) Online payment of REP fees;
d) Check application status of a REP; and
e) Enquire REP details.
2. Can all SPRs use e-REP?
All SPRs, who have a SingPass account and whose REP is still valid, can make use of e-REP to submit applications for REP facilities. Those who are not eligible to use e-REP can continue to visit the Permanent Resident Services Centre (PRSC) at ICA Building personally for their REP facilities.
3. Who else can use e-REP?
SC or SPRs who are SingPass holders can also use e-REP to submit REP applications on behalf of their spouse and children.
4. How do I submit an application via e-REP?
You can access e-REP through ICA’s website at using your SingPass account. A detailed User Guide is available on ICA internet website to guide you through the process.
5. Can I access e-REP without a SingPass?
No, you must have a SingPass account in order to use the system.
6. How can I apply for a SingPass account?
You can apply for a SingPass account by either:
a. accessing the Singapore Government’s SingPass website at; or
b. proceeding to the nearest SingPass counter location where a SingPass can be issued to you immediately.
Please visit the SingPass internet website for more information.
7. Can I obtain a SingPass if I am overseas?
If you are currently overseas, you can submit an online request for SingPass at The SingPass details will be posted to your official address maintained with the Government of Singapore. For more information on this, please visit
8. If I use e-REP to apply for, or transfer my REP, will I have a REP endorsement in my passport?
No. With the introduction of e-REP, ICA will cease to issue REP endorsements. If you have successfully applied for, or transferred your REP using e-REP, you can proceed to print a copy of the REP for your reference and travel needs.
9. If I do not use the e-REP, will the REP endorsement in my passport still be valid?
Yes. All current REP endorsements issued remain valid until their expiry date, provided they have not been cancelled or invalidated by ICA.
10. Can I apply for a Certificate of Identity using e-REP?
No, you are required to submit your application Form 6(E) for a Certificate of Identity personally to the PRSC, ICA Building.
11. What is the average processing time for an application to renew or transfer REP submitted via e-REP?
Generally, the applications can be processed within one day if the applicants are in Singapore. For SPRs who are currently not in Singapore, the outcomes of the application will be made known to the applicants within 5 working days.
(B) Application for REP Renewal
12. What do I need to apply for my REP renewal using e-REP?
You should have the following:
a) A SingPass account;
b) A valid travel document;
c) A valid REP;
d) Name and address of your current employer (if any); and
e) A valid credit/debit card for online payment.
13. Do I need to submit any supporting documents, such as letter of employment, CPF statements, income tax or marriage certificate to ICA to support my online application (either submitted overseas or locally)?
No, you are not required to do so unless you have received a letter or email from ICA requesting for such documents to be submitted to support your application.
14. Can I use e-REP to apply for a REP while I am overseas?
Yes, if you are currently residing or working overseas, you can submit your REP application using e-REP provided you have a SingPass account.
15. If I use e-REP to apply for a REP while I am overseas, does this mean I can complete the entire REP formalities online?
If you had successfully applied for a REP using e-REP whilst overseas, you may complete the entire REP renewal formalities online, which includes payment for the 5-year REP using your credit/debit card and printing the REP yourself. There may be instances where a SPR is required to return to Singapore to complete formalities for a 5-year REP at the PRSC, ICA Building. In such cases, you will be granted a 3-month REP to facilitate your return to Singapore.
16. If I am residing/working overseas and do not have a SingPass or internet connection, can I still submit my REP application through the Singapore Missions overseas?
If you do not have a SingPass account or internet connection, you can submit your application through our Overseas Missions. Please note that overseas application must be submitted at least 2 months before the expiry of the current REP.
17. How would I know if I have successfully submitted my application? Will there be any form of acknowledgement?
You will receive an acknowledgement once you have successfully submitted an application. You can access the “Check Application Status” function on e-REP to check the status of your submission.
18. Is there any processing fee if I apply for a REP using e-REP?
There is no additional processing fee for using e-REP. However, upon approval of your REP application, you are required to pay a fee of $50 for a 5-year REP, using your credit/debit card.
19. What is the maximum validity of a REP?
All REPs are issued up to a maximum validity of 5 years, whether applied through e-REP or submitted over the counters at the PRSC, ICA Building.
20. If I encounter problem while making payment with my credit/debit card, what should I do?
You can check the validity of your credit/debit card with the respective issuing authority or you can try using another credit/debit card. You can retrieve your approved REP record from the ”Check Application Status” function in e-REP to pay the fee within 14 days from the date of approval of the REP.
(C) Transfer of REP
21. Do I have to pay a fee for doing a REP Transfer on e-REP?
No, you do not have to pay a fee for the transfer of REPs.
22. Can I use e-REP to do a transfer of REP while I am overseas?
Yes. You can access e-REP and perform a REP transfer while you are overseas so long as your REP is still valid and you have a SingPass account. Upon successful transfer, you can print your new REP for your reference and travel needs.
23. If I am residing/working overseas and do not have a SingPass or internet connection, can I still submit my REP transfer application through the Overseas Missions?
If you do not have a SingPass or internet connection, you can submit a hardcopy application for transfer of REP to our Overseas Missions.
( D) Loss of Re-entry Permit
24. What happens if I lose my passport which bears the valid REP endorsement?
If you lose your passport in Singapore or overseas, you must report the loss of your passport to your Embassy/High Commission immediately and apply for a new passport. After you have obtained a new passport, you can use the REP transfer function in e-REP to transfer the remaining validity of your existing REP to the new passport. Upon successful transfer, you will be able to print your REP which will reflect your new passport details.
(E) Checking Application Status, REP Enquiries and Printing of REPs
25. After my application is submitted via e-REP, how do I know if it has been approved?
You can logon to e-REP and access the “Check Application Status” function to check the status of your REP application.
If your application for REP renewal has been approved, you can proceed to make payment online using your credit/debit card and print your REP. If your transfer of REP has been approved, you can proceed to print your REP.
26. Can I enquire my REP details on e-REP?
Yes, you can enquire the details of your REP by accessing the “Enquiry” function in e-REP. You can also enquire the REP details of your children below the age of 21 years old in e-REP.
27. If I do not print my REP at the end of my successful application or transfer, can I access e-REP to print my REP later?
Yes, you can access the “Check Application Status” function on e-REP to print your REP within 2 months of approval. Note that only one print is allowed.
28. After I have printed my REP, can I access e-REP again to make further re-prints?
No. You can only print your REP once. Once you have printed your REP, you will not be able to make further re-prints. Please ensure that you keep your printed REP properly. Otherwise, you will have to make a trip personally to the PRSC, ICA Building, for a replacement copy.
29. I just noticed errors in the information on my REP after printing. How do I amend?
You cannot amend the details on your REP using e-REP. You should make a trip to the PRSC, ICA Building, for amendments of the details. If you are overseas, you can approach the Overseas Mission for assistance.
30. If I have lost my printed REP, what should I do?
You will have to turn up personally at the PRSC, ICA Building, to complete a form for the issuance of a replacement copy of your REP. There is no charge for the replacement of a REP.
(F) Use of eIACS
31. My REP is issued in the form of an endorsement in my passport (ie. I did not use e-REP), can I make use of eIACS when I travel?
With effect from 2 January 2009, all SPRs who have registered for a Singapore identity card and hold machine-readable passports are eligible to use the eIACS for immigration clearance at all checkpoints.
32. I had used e-REP to renew the REP of my children (below 15 years old). Are they eligible to use eIACS?
Only SPRs who have registered for the Singapore identity cards and hold machine readable passports are eligible to use eIACS. Children below 15 years of age have not registered for identity cards and hence are not eligible to use eIACS.