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Six Live Tarantulas Detected at Tuas Checkpoint

            On 4 January 2018 at about 2.00pm, officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) directed an arriving Singapore-registered car, driven by a lone 33-year-old Singaporean man for checks at the Tuas checkpoint.

2.         During the course of inspection, an ICA officer found six live tarantulas, kept individually in containers in a sling bag. The bag was placed on the rear passenger seat. The case was referred to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) for investigations.

3.         AVA conducted follow-up checks at the man’s residence and seized an additional 92 tarantulas. Tarantulas are not approved to be kept as pets in Singapore. Some species of tarantulas are also protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna or Flora (CITES) Appendix II, and require CITES permits. The case is currently under investigation and the tarantulas are cared for by the Wildlife Reserves Singapore.

4.         Our borders are our first line of defence in safeguarding Singapore's safety and security. The security checks are critical to our nation’s security. ICA will continue to conduct security checks on cargo, passengers and vehicles at the checkpoints to prevent attempts to smuggle in undesirable persons, drugs, weapons, explosives and other contrabands. AVA will continue to cooperate and collaborate with partner local and international enforcement agencies to curb wildlife trafficking. We will take enforcement action against any person or company that smuggles wildlife into or through Singapore.

5.         Travellers are reminded not to import or keep wild animals as pets as demand for such animals would fuel illegal wildlife trade. Wildlife are not suitable pets as some may transmit zoonotic diseases to humans and pose a public safety risk if mishandled or if they escape into our dense urban environment. Non-native animals may also be a threat to our biodiversity if released into the environment.

6.         The ICA and AVA would like to remind travellers against bringing live animals, birds and insects into Singapore without a proper permit. The public can refer to AVA’s website or download AVA’s mobile app, SG TravelKaki (available free-of-charge from iTunes and the Google Play store), for more information on bringing back animals from overseas. Members of the public with information on illegal wildlife activities may contact AVA at 6805 2992 or via AVA’s online feedback form. All information shared with AVA would be kept strictly confidential.

ICA Photos

Live tarantula found inside the container

Six live tarantulas were kept in individual containers

Sling bag placed on the rear passenger seat of the car


11 JANUARY 2018