Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment (PMLA)

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Singapore citizen - Non-resident (NR) couples are strongly encouraged to complete their Pre-Marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) before marriage.

The PMLA is a free online assessment which allows them to:
  • exchange key information with each other before getting married;
  • find out if the prospective NR spouse may qualify for a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) after marriage; and
  • enjoy a significantly shorter processing time when they subsequently submit an LTVP application. 
Marriage to a Singapore citizen does not guarantee the NR spouse automatic right of entry into Singapore or approval for long-term stay in Singapore.

While the PMLA aims to give an accurate assessment on the prospective NR spouse's eligibility for an LTVP after marriage, a positive PMLA outcome is not an immigration pass and does not constitute the approval of an LTVP. The NR spouse should separately apply for an LTVP after marriage to be considered for long-term stay in Singapore.

In a small number of cases, the outcomes of the PMLA and LTVP applications may differ if a couple’s circumstances change between their PMLA and LTVP applications. Couples should ensure that the information submitted in the PMLA are correct, for a more accurate assessment of their eligibility for LTVP.

Submit Online What is Needed for PMLA Submission

A Singpass is required to submit the Pre-Marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) using the e-Service.

Please have the following ready before proceeding with the PMLA submission:
  • For Singapore citizen - Singpass 
  • For Non-Resident (NR) - NR passport details
  • Personal information of Singapore citizen and NR
You do not need to submit any document for the assessment.

Please refer to the Advisory Notes below for more details on PMLA submission.
Processing Time

The Pre-Marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) will be processed within one month.

If your PMLA is still within the one-month processing time, please wait to be notified of the outcome via email or check on the status using the e-Service.

Important Information

The processing time for Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) applications submitted by Singapore citizen - Non-Resident (NR) couples after marriage is as shown:

PMLALTVP Application Processing Time
SubmittedWithin six weeks
Not Submitted beforeUp to six months

Please refer to LTVP for Spouse of Singapore citizen for more information on applying for an LTVP after marriage.

Other Languages Advisory Notes

This free online Pre-marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment (PMLA) form will give the Singapore citizen - Non-Resident (NR) couple greater clarity in planning their marriage. A Singapore citizen who intends to marry a NR can check if the prospective NR spouse is likely to be eligible for Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) through this free PMLA form.

Couples with a positive PMLA outcome (received Letter of LTVP Eligibility, LLE) may proceed to apply for the LTVP after they have registered their marriages.

Important Notes

a) The online PMLA form has to be completed in English. 

b) The Singapore citizen will need a Singpass account to access this online form. To apply for a Singpass account, please visit

c) The form comprises two parts – Part 1 is to be completed by the Singapore citizen and Part 2 is to be completed by the prospective NR spouse.

d) Each part of the form may take about 15 minutes to complete. The Singapore citizen and the prospective NR spouse will need the following information to fill up the form: 
i.     Bio-data particulars such as date of birth
ii.    Residential address including details of residential property
iii.   Immigration records, including passport details and travel history 
iv.   Marital status history (where applicable)
v.    Educational qualifications
vi.   Income information
vii.  Medical information (where applicable) 
viii. Criminal records (where applicable)

Steps in submitting the PMLA

  1. The Singapore citizen fills in and completes Part 1 of the form.
  2. After completion of Part 1, a reference number and password will be generated.
  3. The prospective NR spouse uses the reference number and password to view the completed Part 1 before proceeding to fill in Part 2 of the form. The prospective NR spouse needs to declare that he/she has viewed and read the information furnished by the Singapore citizen in Part 1.
  4. The Singapore citizen retrieves and views the completed form using his/her Singpass. The Singapore citizen also needs to declare that he/she has viewed and read the information furnished by the prospective NR spouse in Part 2 before submitting the completed form.
  5. The completed form must be submitted online within 14 days from the date when the reference number and password were generated. Forms that are not submitted within the 14 days will be automatically withdrawn.
  6. The Singapore citizen and prospective NR spouse have to declare that all the particulars furnished in the PMLA are true and correct. Any false statement and/or declaration made by the Singapore citizen and prospective NR spouse in relation to the PMLA may render the assessment outcome invalid.
Additional Information
  1. The PMLA will be processed within one month.
  2. The outcome of the assessment and a copy of the completed form will be emailed to both the Singapore citizen and the prospective NR spouse at the email addresses declared in the form. 
  3. Couples who receive positive outcomes for their PMLA will be issued with an LLE. They may apply for LTVP within one year of receiving the LLE.
  4. A positive PMLA outcome is not an immigration pass, and does not constitute the approval of an LTVP. The prospective NR spouse should separately apply for an LTVP after marriage to be considered for long-term stay in Singapore. The Singapore citizen can submit a formal application for LTVP for the prospective NR spouse at
  5. The processing time for LTVP applications submitted by Singapore citizen - NR couples after marriage is within six weeks for couples who have submitted PMLA. For Singapore citizen - NR couples who have not submitted the PMLA before, application for LTVP would be processed within six months.